Where’s Heaven?


As Jay was getting out of the car this afternoon, he asked me where heaven was. “Is it in outer space? Or is it further than that?” As Jay grows and learns, I am amazed by the things he thinks about and the way he ponders life. It really keeps me on my toes and challenges me to think of those things too. Where is heaven indeed?

With this being the week of Thanksgiving I thought I’d mention just a few things I’m thankful for.

Baby toes


Saftey from the fires. The fires that were part of the “Freeway Triangle Fire” was so scary and has really affected our neighboring community of Yorba Linda where we go to church.  In our church, there were at least 11 families that lost their homes. I’m thankful that no one lost their life, and that God is in control. The first photo was driving East on Yorba Linda Blvd. at Kraemer, and the second photo was in front of our house looking across the street. We can still smell smoke, especially at night.



I am super thankful that Jay is turning into a reader. We find him quietly looking at books often. Just recently we’ve been reading chapter books together. We read Stuart Little and are now on to Trumpet of the Swan, and he LOVES it. In this photo Jay turned and looked at me as soon as he heard the camera focusing! I was trying to capture him sitting in the chair reading his Star Wars Clone Wars book.



As far as something to look forward to, I’m going out with my dear and oldest friend, Eileen on Saturday for an adventure! More to come later!

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